Skills & Training

Skills and training procurement is yet another public service market which has experienced significant change in the last few years. LEPs have been given a new strategic role over skills policy, including the ability to determine how EU Common Strategic Framework funds, including the European Social Fund, are used locally by deciding whether or not to ‘opt-in’ to provision co-financed by the ESFA. Skills Incentives Pilots, City Deals and Growth Deals funded through the Local Growth Fund have further increased the influence of LEPs in ensuring local FE providers and other skills training provider offers are more responsive to local economies.

We have designed tenders and won a range of contracts including work-based learning, skills support for the unemployed, skills support for the workforce, Apprenticeships, and support for families with multiple problems. We have also worked as an interim contract manager for a skills support programme that we won for a client in the North East.

How can we help you?

We can support your organisation in many ways, such as:

  • Identifying complementary funding streams to add value to your bid and increase the performance of your programmes.
  • Putting together partnerships and consortia models to ensure you are able to offer a breadth of targeted, employer-led training opportunities.
  • Working up commercial models based on realistic attainment rates which present the commissioner with a competitive and compelling offer.
  • Sharing our expertise on winning specialist tenders in this sector, such as provision for learners with learning disabilities, learning difficulties and additional support needs.
  • Ensuring your business development strategy is aligned to, and accurately anticipates, the latest developments in skills and education policy.

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